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en:sim:portal:rychlynavod:prvnikrok [2014/08/27 14:24] ondraen:sim:portal:rychlynavod:prvnikrok [2014/08/27 14:45] (aktuální) ondra
Řádek 66: Řádek 66:
 … and click on the button {{..:..:..:sim:manual:rychly_navod:jak_na_to:tlacitko_ulozit.png?nolink&}}. The unit starts sending data to the Portal in selected time period.\\  … and click on the button {{..:..:..:sim:manual:rychly_navod:jak_na_to:tlacitko_ulozit.png?nolink&}}. The unit starts sending data to the Portal in selected time period.\\ 
 \\  \\ 
-</WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{  :en:sim:manual:rychly_navod:konfigurace:ul_zmeny_sit_a_cas.png?100  }}</WRAP>\\ +</WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{  ..:..:..:sim:manual:rychly_navod:konfigurace:ul_zmeny_sit_a_cas.png?100  }}</WRAP>\\ 
 \\  \\ 
 If you wish, you can **test the sending function**:\\  If you wish, you can **test the sending function**:\\ 
Řádek 77: Řádek 77:
 </WRAP> <WRAP half column> Test message is received at the Portal and delivery status is shown. If the data has been sent and received, a new account at the [[http://portal.solarmonitor.cz|http://portal.solarmonitor.cz]] is created to record the data.\\  </WRAP> <WRAP half column> Test message is received at the Portal and delivery status is shown. If the data has been sent and received, a new account at the [[http://portal.solarmonitor.cz|http://portal.solarmonitor.cz]] is created to record the data.\\ 
 \\  \\ 
-</WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{  ..:..:..:sim:manual:rychly_navod:jak_na_to:uspesne_odeslano.png?nolink&  }}\\ +</WRAP> <WRAP half column> {{  ..:..:..:sim:manual:rychly_navod:konfigurace:uspesne_odeslano.png?nolink&  }}\\ 
 \\  \\ 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP right> [[.:prihlaseni|Další >>]] </WRAP>+<WRAP right> [[.:prihlaseni|Next >>]] </WRAP>
en/sim/portal/rychlynavod/prvnikrok.txt · Poslední úprava: 2014/08/27 14:45 autor: ondra