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en:sim:portal:graph:total_supply_and_consumption [2014/07/23 12:28] jitkaen:sim:portal:graph:total_supply_and_consumption [2014/08/01 12:16] (aktuální) ondra
Řádek 4: Řádek 4:
 It presents the energy produced and consumed.\\  It presents the energy produced and consumed.\\ 
 \\  \\ 
-You display the graph when you click on the button {{:en:sim:portal:ote:graf_energie.png?nolink&}}at  [[:en:sim:portal:invoice:vykaz_mesicni|Monthly report-subsidized production]] (menu Reports and Billing )\\  +You display the graph when you click on the button {{:en:sim:portal:ote:graf_energie.png?nolink&}}at [[:en:sim:portal:invoice:vykaz_mesicni|Monthly report-subsidized production]] (menu Reports and Billing ) 
-\\ + 
 === Graph's time period === === Graph's time period ===
Řádek 14: Řádek 15:
 {{:sim:portal:graph:previous.png?nolink&}}button **Previous** shifts time period one day backward. With daily time period we can click on back arrow and it shows the previous day etc.\\  {{:sim:portal:graph:previous.png?nolink&}}button **Previous** shifts time period one day backward. With daily time period we can click on back arrow and it shows the previous day etc.\\ 
 {{:sim:portal:graph:up.png?nolink&}}button **Scope ** chooses longer time period. With daily time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows monthly period. With monthly time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows annual period.\\  {{:sim:portal:graph:up.png?nolink&}}button **Scope ** chooses longer time period. With daily time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows monthly period. With monthly time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows annual period.\\ 
-{{:sim:portal:graph:next.png?nolink&}}button **Next** shifts time period one day forward. With daily time period we can click on forward arrow and it shows the next day etc. +{{:sim:portal:graph:next.png?nolink&}}button **Next** shifts time period one day forward. With daily time period we can click on forward arrow and it shows the next day etc. \\ 
- + * **Since**  the first day of the time period 
- + * **Until**  the last day of the time period. If it is only one day time period the date in Since and Until boxes is the same. 
-     + * **Today**  when you click here the current date is filled in automatically in the Since and Until boxes. 
- + * **Month**  (e.g. January, February…) when you click here the boxes Since the first day of that month and Until the last day of that month are filled in automatically. 
- + * **Year**  ( 2010, 2011…) when you click here the boxes Since the first day of that year and Until the last day of that year are filled in automatically. \\
-**Since**  the first day of the time period +
- +
- +
-     +
- +
- +
-**Until**  the last day of the time period. If it is only one day time period the date in Since and Until boxes is the same. +
- +
- +
-     +
- +
- +
-**Today**  when you click here the current date is filled in automatically in the Since and Until boxes. +
- +
- +
-     +
- +
- +
-**Month**  (e.g. January, February…) when you click here the boxes Since the first day of that month and Until the last day of that month are filled in automatically. +
- +
- +
-     +
- +
- +
-**Year**  ( 2010, 2011…) when you click here the boxes Since the first day of that year and Until the last day of that year are filled in automatically . +
-{{  :en:sim:portal:invoice:casovy_interval_grafu.png?nolink&  }} \\ +{{  :en:sim:portal:invoice:casovy_interval_grafu.png?nolink&  }}
-=== Celková dodávka a odběr ===+=== Total output and consumption ===
-Hodnoty v grafu pocházejí z Vašeho čtyřkvadrantního elektroměruJsou automaticky načteny ze systému operátora trhu. \\  \\ Pokud máte více výrobních zdrojůnejdříve zvolte, pro jaký výrobní zdroj chcete zobrazit graf. \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:vyrobni_zdroj.png?nolink&  }} \\  \\  \\  \\  \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:zelena.png?nolink&}}Zelenými sloupci je zobrazená energie dodaná ze sítě. \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:cervena.png?nolink&}}Červenými sloupci je zobrazená energie odebraná ze sítě. \\  \\ Jednotky (kWh) jsou zobrazené na levé straně grafu. \\ Interval zvoleného období, pro které je graf vykreslen, je pod grafem. \\  \\ {{  :en:sim:portal:invoice:graf.png?nolink&  }} \\  \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:tlac_zobrazit_vykazy.png?nolink&}}Tímto tlačítkem se dostanete z náhledu grafu zpět na stránku [[:en:sim:portal:invoice:vykaz_mesicni|Přehledu výkazů]].+The graph's values come from your four quadrant electro meterThey are available in the distributor's system. \\  \\ In case of multiple production sourceschoose the particular source that you want to display. \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:vyrobni_zdroj.png?nolink&  }} \\  \\  \\  \\  \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:zelena.png?nolink&}}Green bars show Zelenými sloupci je zobrazená energie dodaná ze sítě. \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:cervena.png?nolink&}}Red bars show Červenými sloupci je zobrazená energie odebraná ze sítě. \\  \\ Units (kWh) to be found on the left side of the graph. \\ The graph's time period to be found bellow the graph. \\  \\ {{  :en:sim:portal:invoice:graf.png?nolink&  }} \\  \\ {{:en:sim:portal:invoice:tlac_zobrazit_vykazy.png?nolink&}}This button enables getting back to the [[:en:sim:portal:invoice:vykaz_mesicni|Reports]].
en/sim/portal/graph/total_supply_and_consumption.1406111336.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/07/23 12:28 autor: jitka