Communication check

It shows recorded alarms of checked communication with electrometer.

Time period of alarms

Recorded alarms can be presented for daily, monthly or annual period. Time period stipulates the day (days) of presented alarms.

button Previous shifts time period one day backward. With daily time period we can click on back arrow and it shows the previous day etc.
button Scope chooses longer time period. With daily time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows monthly period. With monthly time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows annual period.
button Next shifts time period one day forward. With daily time period we can click on forward arrow and it shows the next day etc.

The list of alarms

Time of alarm

Time when alarm appeared.

Source of alarm


Serial number

Serial number identifies manufacturer.

Alarm's values

Time period of the failure.

Alarm's detail

Set delay (in seconds) from the time when alarm appeared until alarm is declared (it is set in Solar Monitor unit)