It shows inverter status in detail.
Data can be presented for daily, monthly or annual period.
button Previous shifts time period one day backward. With daily time period we can click on back arrow and it shows the previous day etc.
button Scope chooses longer time period. With daily time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows monthly period. With monthly time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows annual period.
button Next shifts time period one day forward. With daily time period we can click on forward arrow and it shows the next day etc.
Names and features of connected inverters.
It comes from the Solar Monitor unit. The number is stipulated by its order among other inverters and stringboxes as detected by the unit.
Time when the last data from the Solar Monitor unit came.
You can stipulate this figure for inverters in the menu Administration / Overview / Unit's setting
Daily output of an inverter.
Inverter's total output since its launch.
Note: With inverters that don't record overall history, total output is calculated since the time when daily output is first recorded.
Inverter's daily production differs from other inverters' production less than 30%.
Inverter's daily production differs from other inverters' production more than 30%.
Note: It is necessary to have installed capacity of all inverters set properly in the menu Administration / Overview / Units' setting.
When you click on the inverter, a detailed summary of its output is displayed.