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en:sim:manual:jak_na_instalaci:aurora [2014/09/25 15:43] ondraen:sim:manual:jak_na_instalaci:aurora [2020/04/21 17:36] (aktuální) – [Connection Diagram] dusan
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
 ===== Connection Diagram ===== ===== Connection Diagram =====
 ---- ----
-{{ .:aurora.png?nolink&500 |}} + 
-\\ \\ + 
-In case of the involvement of multiple inverters, connect the inverters this way: +\\  
-^  Inverter 1  ^  Inverter 2  ^+<WRAP half column> Aurora RS485\\  
 +{{:en:sim:manual:jak_na_instalaci:aurora_comm_card.png?300  }}</WRAP> <WRAP half column> Connection to SM2-MU 
 +^  Aurora  ^  SM2-MU 
 +|  +T/R  |  A  | 
 +|  -T/R  |  B  | 
 +|  RTN  |  SGND  | 
 +</WRAP> {{  :en:sim:manual:jak_na_instalaci:aurora.png?nolink&500  }}\\  
 +In case of the involvement of multiple inverters, connect the inverters each other this way: 
 +^  Inverter 1  ^  Inverter 2  |
 |  +T/R  |  +T/R  | |  +T/R  |  +T/R  |
-|  -T/R  |  -T/R  | +|  -T/R  |  -T/R  |
 |  RTN  |  RTN  | |  RTN  |  RTN  |
-On the last inverter is necessary to turn on or off the termination "TERM" near the RS485 terminals.+ 
 +On the last inverter is necessary to turn on or off the termination "TERM" near the RS485 terminal. 
 +Default communication speed is 19200 bps (Bd). 
 ===== Configuration Notes ===== ===== Configuration Notes =====
-\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ + 
-<WRAP left> +{{:en:sim:manual:jak_na_instalaci:aurora_rady.png?nolink&450  }}\\  
-[[..:jak_na_instalaci:stridace|<< Back]] +\\  
 +<WRAP left> [[:en:sim:manual:jak_na_instalaci:stridace|<< Back]] </WRAP> 
en/sim/manual/jak_na_instalaci/aurora.txt · Poslední úprava: 2020/04/21 17:36 autor: dusan