The total production and energy consumption

It can display and compare the energy produced and consumed per selected time period.

Graph's time period

Graph can show one day, month or a year period. Daily graph shows 24 samples of each value.Monthly and annual graphs show 1 sample of each value per day. Time period stipulates the day (days) shown in the graph.

button Previous shifts time period one day backward. With daily time period we can click on back arrow and it shows the previous day etc.
button Scope chooses longer time period. With daily time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows monthly period. With monthly time period we can click on button Scope and the graph shows annual period.
button Next shifts time period one day forward. With daily time period we can click on forward arrow and it shows the next day etc.

Energy production and consumption

You can compare a particular consumption with a particular production or total consumption and total production.

Green bar shows produced energy. Red bar shows consumed energy. Both values are in the same units [kWh].

Select all or one type of consumption
Select all or one type of production