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Analog Outputs Setup

In case you don't intend to control voltage at your SM2-AD module's analog output, go to Next >>

We set up analog output in the same way as digital outputs. Select the factor determining the output setup (e.g. temperature in the room with inverters, PV plant's production).

1st example: Regulation of Ventilation Revolving
Set up the temperature range corresponding to value 0 - 10 V at the output. The temperature is going to determine ventilation revolving.

y = the number of Volts in the range from 0 (V) to 10 (V) that output will deliver with a given temperature range
given temperature range: x1 = minimum (°C) to x2 = maximum (°C), e.g. 15 - 40 °C
x = current temperature in the room (°C), e.g. 28 °C

y = [10 / (x2 - x1)] * (x - x1)
y = [10 / (40 - 15)] * (28 - 15)
y = 5,2 V

2nd example: Charging Storage Battery
Set up PV plant's production range corresponding to the value 0 - 10 V at the output. This will determine charging the storage battery.

y = the number of Volts in the range from 0 (V) to 10 (V) that output will deliver with a given PV plant's production range
given PV plant's production range: x1 = minimum (W) to x2 = maximum (W), e.g. 2500 - 10000 W
x = current PV plant's production (W), e.g. 5200 W

y = [10 / (x2 - x1)] * (x - x1)
y = [10 / (10000 - 2500)] * (5200 - 2500)
y = 3,6 V

en/sim/manual/rozsirujici_moduly/sm2_ad/nast_analog_vystupu.1407771805.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/08/11 17:43 autor: jitka