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Installation, Connecting Inputs and Outputs

Module installation to be found here >>

With analog inputs AI1 and AI2 the ranges of:
0 - 20 mA a 0 - 10 V are available for voltage or current measuring.

With analog input AI3 the ranges of:
0 - 20 mA, 0 - 10 V, 0 - 20mV, 0 - 100 mV are available for voltage or current measuring.

Measurement ranges are set up before module is delivered! Correct specification when you order SM2-AD module is essential. It is possible to connect pyranometer (measures solar irradiation), anemometer (measures wind speed) or battery.

Analog output A0 to be connected in the same way. Voltage of 0-10V is detected at output terminals depending on current production or temperature. It can be used for continuous regulation of appliances, e.g. ventilation fan.

Digitální (relé) výstupy DO připojíme obdobně jako u SM2-MU. Tedy např. k boileru nebo akumulačním kamnům dle obrázku.

en/sim/manual/rozsirujici_moduly/sm2_ad/vstupy_a_vystupy.1407336345.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/08/06 16:45 autor: jitka